Renovation Bathroom Mökki around 4-5m²

Tarjouspyynnön tiedot

Hinta-arvio: 0,00 €

91100, Ii
Rakennuksen tyyppi
Mökki tai vapaa-ajan asunto
Kylpyhuoneen pinta-ala
4 - 5 m2
Kylpyhuoneen asennusvuosi
Muutokset pohjaratkaisuun
Pohjaratkaisu pysyy samana

Tarjouspyynnön kuvaus

Terve, (I'm sorry, I don't speak Finnish yet)
We are currently living in a mökki (around 52m²) in the municipality of Ii.
We would like to make various arrangements for living in all year round.
Currently, the sauna and shower are separate from the rest of the house (traditional mökki). We would like to remove the indoor sauna (to create an outdoor sauna later) and make a real bathroom with shower (already present), and put a sink and some cupboards.
The floor (tiling) and the sewage disposal will probably be to renovate.
Being foreign, we do not know the possibilities in the region or the prices for such work.
Thanking you greatly in advance.

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