Isolation Mökki

Tarjouspyynnön tiedot

Hinta-arvio: 0,00 €

Mökin eristäminen
91100, Ii
Mökin pinta-ala
50 - 75 m2
Mökin tyyppi
Mökin rakennusvuosi
Eristyksen kohde

Tarjouspyynnön kuvaus

Terve, (I'm sorry, I don't speak Finnish yet)
We are currently living in a mökki (around 52m²) in the municipality of Ii.
We would like to make various arrangements for living in all year round.
Firstly, we would like to enlarge the ground floor by about 30-40m² in continuity with the main room (i.e. enlarge the main room and create 2 bedrooms; like a rectangle).
After that, we would like to rebuild its isolation. We think it will be best to insulate the walls, but perhaps the floor would also need it.
Finally, we will continue with the renovation of the bathroom and the kitchen.
Being foreign, we do not know the possibilities in the region or the prices for such work.
Thanking you greatly in advance.

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