Spray painting quote

Tarjouspyynnön tiedot

Hinta-arvio: 0,00 €

Ovien maalaus
02730, Espoo
Rakennuksen tyyppi
Ovien lukumäärä
12 tai enemmän
Ovien asennusvuosi
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Tarjouspyynnön kuvaus

We have 22 doors of different sizes in our kitchen. They are white and it looks like they have been spray painted either with gloss or with glossy paint. It seems to be wearing out at some points. Please see attached pics (pic 1, pic 2 and pic 3) .
Our house is from 2005 and we moved in 2 years back. We were thinking would it be possible to spray paint all the doors high- gloss white?
Please find pics attached (pic 4 & pic 5) . If you can come some day and show us the colour options we have and the approximate price?

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