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Tarjouspyynnön tiedot

Hinta-arvio: 0,00 €

02660, Espoo
Rakennuksen tyyppi
Lämmitettävä pinta-ala
125 - 150 m2
Lämmityksen tyyppi
Kohteen rakennusvuosi
Tarjouspyynnön tyyppi
Lattialämmityksen korjaus

Tarjouspyynnön kuvaus

Anteeks etten puhuu hyvin suomea. Siksi minä haluaisin saada palvelua englanniksi jos mahdollista.
I have recently bought a omakotitalo and it has floor heating (vesikiertoinen lattialämmitys). The house has 3 floors: basement, first floor and second floor. All floors have floor heating and approximately the same amount of pipes. Each floor is divided in 4 separate sections of pipes of similar length.
In the basement I have the water boiler, an expansion tank and a pump. In the morning the pressure in the system is about 1.4 bars and in the evening it goes down to 0.9bars. That is because I heat the water only during the night and as it cools down during the day, the pressure in the system goes lower.
In the second floor I have good water circulation in the morning but in the evening there is almost no water circulating.
I would like some professionals to check the installation for leaks, check the expansion tank, the pump and replace parts that need replacement (e.g. some water flow meters are stuck...).
House was built in 2007 and the owner installed the floor heating himself.

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